Senin, 25 Februari 2013

History Indramayu


History Indramayu

According to the Chronicle Dermayu occupants Partama Indramayu area is Raden Aria Wiralodra from Central Java's son Hero Bagelen Singalodra Crow who likes to train yourself if kanuragan, penance and asceticism.One time Raden Wiralodra asceticism and meditation in the hills at the foot of the mountain cleft Melaya, beyond the three years after she got wangsit "Hi wiralodra if you want to be happy in the future thoroughbred look Cimanuk River valley. When arrived there stop and cut shrubs sufficient to establish hamlets and settled there, where it would later become fertile prosperous and seven turunanmu will memerintan there ".Accompanied Ki Tinggil and armed with weapons Chakra Undaksana they departed westward to seek Cimanuk river. One evening they came to a river, stream Wiralodra thought it was Cimanuk then lodged there and when they wake up the morning saw parents reprimanded and asked where they were. Wiralodra explain what the intent and purpose of their trip, but the old man said that the river was not Cimanuk because Cimanuk have missed and they must return to the northeast. After barkata tarsebut so people disappear and the old man is reported to have Ki Buyut Sidum, deer Penanjung of Pajajaran. Ki is a panakawan Hero Sidum Sri Baduga who lived between the years 1474 to 1513.Then Raden Wiralodra and Ki Tinggil continued on toward the northeast, and after days of walking they saw the great river, the river is hoping Wiralodra Cimanuk, he suddenly saw a beautiful garden but the garden owners are very cavalier Wiralodra unable to control his emotions when he was about to slam the owner of the vineyard, the only sound was gone "O granddaughter Wiralodra know that the servant is Ki Sidum and rivers are rivers Cipunegara, now get on a trip to the east, when a diamond-edged encounter a deer follow where the deer was gone then that the river Cimanuk the hosts were looking for. ".As they proceeded Meet with a woman named Dewi Larawana a force for Wiralodra deflowered Wiralodra but refused to make her angry and attacked him. Wiralodra mengelurkan cakranya towards Larawana, she rose barsamaan disappeared with the advent of a deer. Wiralodra immediately chase the deer was running towards the east, when the deer was gone behold, a great river. Because fatigue Wiralidra asleep and dreamed Sidum Ki in Ki dream Sidum Cimanuk says that this forest which will become the place of settlement.Once there is certainty through his dreams and Ki Tinggil Wiralodra make huts and open fields, they settled on the west end of the river Cimanuk. Cimanuk hamlets increasingly many residents. such a beautiful woman named Nyi Endang plenary Darma. Because of proficiency in science kanuragan Nyi Endang has invited teachers from Palembang prince who came to the valley Cimanuk with 24 students to challenge Nyi Endang Darma but all were killed and buried in a place now known as "Tomb Selawe".To witness the greatness Nyi Endang Darma, Raden invites Wiralodra magic contest with Nyi Nyi Endang Endang Darma Darma but overwhelmed by the attack Wiralodra then he jumped into the river plunge Cimanuk and admit defeat. Wiralodra took home Nyi Endang Darma together to continue the development of hamlets but Nyi Endang Darma did not want and simply says, "If you later want to give a name to host this then namakanlah hamlet by the name of the servant, the servant would request is not excessive because servants took part in the effort build this area ".To commemorate the services of people who have helped build pedukuhannya the hamlet was called "DARMA AYU" which later became "Indramayu".The establishment of the hamlet Darma Ayu did not clear the date and year, but based on historical facts research team concluded that the incident occurred on Friday kliwon, first sura Muharam 1449 or 1 934 H which coincides with the date of October 7, 1527 AD.